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Published: 07-Feb-17
9 Effective Tips on How to Advertise on Other People?s Thank You Page
Posting a comment on another person?s thank-you page may have no effect on your website at first glance but you know how first impressions can be misleading. And in this case, what you see first isn?t what you get. If you want to generate traffic for your website for free, you can do so just by saying ?thank you? on other people?s websites. Tip #1 Identify who you can thank because the more people you thank, the more inbound links you get. First, check your sales invoices and determine which of your paid customers have websites of their own. You?ll pay a visit to each and every one of them soon. If you have suppliers, distributors, retailers, joint venture partners, and other types of business associates, you?ll have to visit them, too. How about other Internet marketers who occasionally visit your website? This is the time to profit from a little bit of give and take between each other. Tip #2 Determine where to say thank you. Not all websites have ?thank you? pages, but almost all websites will allow you to interact and say your piece. For those without ?thank you? pages, look for the page that allows you to comment and at the same time enjoy considerable traffic. Tip #3 Now, it?s time to start writing your thank-you message. Personalized messages always work better, but it?s understandable if you sometimes don?t have the time to customize each message. During these instances, it?s better to create a thank-you page for each group. Have a generic thank-you message for your customers then create a separate one for your colleagues, suppliers, and so forth. Tip #4 Remember to identify yourself. If your personal name carries weight in the Internet then by all means, use your name when posting a thank-you message on another website. But if you?re not that popular yet then it might be better to use your business name or include it at least with your personal name. This will help people remember you more. Tip #5 The first line of your message must be short but sweet: it explains why you?re saying thank you. Customers are obviously thanked for their support and patronage of your products and services. Don?t use flowery speech. Go straight to the point but be sincere. Tip #6 Your second line must include mention of your products or services as well as your desire to provide more aid or support. Going back to our sample thank you message for customers, your second line could appear something like this: ?I hope that Product X will be able to help your online business run more smoothly?. Tip #7 Use the third line or sentence for any additional information you feel is pertinent to the person you?re thanking. If there is none, then you must proceed with inviting the person ? and indirectly, the other readers ? to drop by your website ? this is where you post your website URL as well ? for your latest updates. If you already have a new promotion running, this is also the place to mention it. Tip #8 If you?re asked to provide a link to your website then yes, of course you should post it as well. Tip #9 Never forget to include targeted keywords in your thank-you message. You might have to be a bit tricky doing that, but those keywords can help make your thank you message optimized to improve your search engine ranking.

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